

Setup fuzzalgo on your pc


Create free MT5 demo ECN account at roboforex.com

clone git repo

cd \<your-source-path>
git clone https://github.com/fuzzyalgo/fuzzyalgo.git

install anaconda3 for windows 64bit

setup fuzzyalgo as conda env fuzzyalgo-py38

> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> conda create -n fuzzyalgo-py38  nb_conda spyder numpy scipy pandas matplotlib sympy cython  python=3.8
> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> pip install scikit-fuzzy pynput MetaTrader5
> pip install C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo\install\TA_Lib-0.4.24-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
> python setup.py
> conda deactivate
(base) C:\Windows\system32>cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
(base) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo>
(base) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo> conda create -n fuzzyalgo-py38  nb_conda spyder numpy scipy pandas matplotlib sympy cython  python=3.8
(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo>
(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo> pip install scikit-fuzzy pynput MetaTrader5
(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo> pip install C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo\install\TA_Lib-0.4.24-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo> python setup.py
	Run: win-64bit in conda env:  fuzzyalgo-py38
	dir_py_lib:  C:\<your-anaconda3-path>\anaconda3\envs\fuzzyalgo-py38\Lib
	dir_cwd:     C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
	dir_script:  C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
	name_user:   <your-username>
	name_host:   <your-hostname>
	mt5-server:  RoboForex-ECN
(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo> conda deactivate
(base) C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo>

populate cf_accounts_<your-username>@<your-hostname>.json with MT5 login and password

      "path" : "MetaTrader5_RF5D01\\terminal64.exe",
      "login" : 0,
      "password" : "your-password-here",
      "server" : "RoboForex-ECN",
      "portable" : "True"
      "path" : "MetaTrader5_RF5D02\\terminal64.exe",
      "login" : 0,
      "password" : "your-password-here",
      "server" : "RoboForex-ECN",
      "portable" : "True"
      "path" : "MetaTrader5_RF5D03\\terminal64.exe",
      "login" : 0,
      "password" : "your-password-here",
      "server" : "RoboForex-ECN",
      "portable" : "True"
      "path" : "MetaTrader5_RF5D03\\terminal64.exe",
      "login" : 0,
      "password" : "your-password-here",
      "server" : "RoboForex-ECN",
      "portable" : "True"

run fuzzyalgo conda env fuzzyalgo-py38

run from windows start menu ‘Spyder (fuzzyalgo-py38)’ or ‘Jupyter Notebook (fuzzyalgo-py38)’

$ cd  "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)"
$ C:\%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)>dir /b
	Anaconda Navigator (anaconda3).lnk
	Anaconda Powershell Prompt (anaconda3).lnk
	Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3).lnk
	Jupyter Notebook (anaconda3).lnk
->	Jupyter Notebook (fuzzyalgo-py38).lnk
	Reset Spyder Settings (anaconda3).lnk
	Reset Spyder Settings (fuzzyalgo-py38).lnk
	Spyder (anaconda3).lnk
->	Spyder (fuzzyalgo-py38).lnk

run from ‘Anaconda Prompt’

> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> spyder 
> conda deactivate
jupyter notebook
> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> jupyter notebook
> conda deactivate
> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> python <your-python>.py
> conda deactivate

re-install conda env fuzzyalgo-py38

# if activated, then deactivate first
> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> jupyter notebook
> conda deactivate
# remove the env
> conda env remove -n fuzzyalgo-py38
# re-install the env
> cd \<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo
> conda create -n fuzzyalgo-py38 spyder numpy scipy pandas matplotlib sympy cython nb_conda
> conda activate fuzzyalgo-py38
> python --version
	Python 3.8.15
> pip install scikit-fuzzy pynput MetaTrader5
> pip install C:\<your-source-path>\fuzzyalgo\install\TA_Lib-0.4.24-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
> python setup.py
> conda deactivate


(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\OneDrive\rfx\git\fuzzyalgo>pip install –upgrade –user nbconvert Installing collected packages: mistune, nbconvert WARNING: The scripts jupyter-dejavu.exe and jupyter-nbconvert.exe are installed in ‘C:\Users\G6\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts’ which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use –no-warn-script-location. Successfully installed mistune-2.0.4 nbconvert-7.2.7


(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\Users\G6>dir C:\Users\G6\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts

Directory of C:\Users\G6\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts

23/05/2023 20:09 108.421 jupyter-dejavu.exe 23/05/2023 20:09 108.407 jupyter-nbconvert.exe 2 File(s) 216.828 bytes

(fuzzyalgo-py38) C:\Users\G6> copy C:\Users\G6\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts\jupyter-*.exe C:\apps\anaconda3\envs\fuzzyalgo-py38\Scripts


jupyter serverextension disable nb_conda jupyter serverextension enable nb_conda

conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels